Rockwe!l R1
Just like to add, since my last review in 2019 I'm still using the rockwell R1 every day since I purchased it from agentshave. I have used it every day with no problems. Great for an everyday shave.
Just like to add, since my last review in 2019 I'm still using the rockwell R1 every day since I purchased it from agentshave. I have used it every day with no problems. Great for an everyday shave.
OK, full disclosure. This isn't the first safety razor I've bought and I've been used to premium models from Merkur and Rockwell. I bought it for no better reason than I wanted a cheap razor that I could chuck in my travel bag and not worry if it was confiscated at the airport. I also liked the promise that it was virtually impossible to nick yourself as the setting was so mild. Rockwell razors have a reputation for quality engineering (hence the lifetime warranty) but this felt like a cheap copy. The butterfly doors were rattley and the opening mechanism lacked the smoothness of the Model T. Maybe I should have set my expectations lower, a lot lower, given the price point but this was the first disappointment. Worst of all, and most important, was the shave itself. Far from mild, this was the most aggressive shave I've experienced since I started traditional shaving at the beginning of lockdown. The cuts and nicks were so bad that I couldn't even finish the shave. I'd have to dial my other Rockwell or Merkur adjustable up to settings 4-6 to get a shave as aggressive as this and that's a level I'm not going anywhere near just now. This is the fifth DE razor I've tested and by far the worst shaving experience of them all. I can accept compromise with the build quality given the price but the shave really didn't live up to the promise in the razor's description (which is replicated on Rockwell's own site so I'm not blaming Agent Shave).