Zingari Man - an undercover wet shaving report!

Who is Zingari Man?
Zingari Man are an artisan wet shaving brand from the USA. At Agent Shave we went undercover to find out who is behind Zingari & what we can expect in the UK from this exciting shaving brand.
The Zingari Man goal is to strive to be the very best in the world of shaving, making every customers skin care routine a healthier experience and pleasure.
Heather Melton is the artisan behind all the awesome shave products at Zingari - a certified cosmetic formulator who has spent years testing, researching and producing high-quality shaving soaps, post shave balms and skin treatments. So, who is Heather?
We want to get to know you - tell us a little bit about yourself!
I live in Evansville, IN in the mid west of the US right smack in the middle of farmland and corn country. I have two children, well men since they are almost 22 and 25 lol. Married to a great partner that is supportive for my business thankfully.
When I am not planning my shaving world takeover you can find me in the kitchen. I am a huge foodie and love cooking. My background is in medical laboratory science. I went to full time soap maker this May but I worked in a hospital for 18 years.
The most important question...what do you eat for breakfast?!!!
I could eat avocado toast with bacon and tomato every day. But when I am not eating that I grab a quick yogurt or oatmeal
Wet Shaving Experience
Do you wet shave?
Well of course I wet shave! What sort of wet shaving business would I represent if I didn't lol. My go to safety razor is the Karve CB. I have owned all of them but use the aluminium or SS almost exclusively. I also am a huge shaving brush admirer and have around 40 brushes.
Where is the strangest place you have ever shaved?
Hmmm as far as on the body or on location? I am assuming on location. I once pretended to shave on a beach for a social media picture lol.
I have been known to carry around a soap though when I travel to get shots of it. I once carried a jar for almost 2 weeks to New Orleans and a Caribbean cruise and has pictures taken with it doing everything! It was honestly fun.
Zingari and becoming a shaving soap artisan
When did you start shaving soap making & why?
I started as a hobby in 2012 ish. I was having lots of skin issues and I have always enjoyed "crafting or DIYing" so I gave it a try. I was hooked instantly! It combines my love of cooking with my background in laboratory science.
What is your favourite Zingari scent and why?
The Watchman is my favourite! I am obsessed with aquatic scents and everything about that whole project worked perfectly down to the artwork. It is basically a year old and still my favourite scent
Is there a scent that you would really like to try making that you haven't yet?
I have some in the works for next year but mum is the word:)
What is your secret to achieving the perfect lather from your shaving soaps?
Water, water and more water. Both bases are very thirsty so usually people that have issues do not add enough water.
Different shaving brushes will work up the lather differently, for example a natural shaving brush will need to be soaked in warm water first. Water hardness can also affect the performance. Once your shaving brush is damp, start to work the shaving soap in a circular motion until a thick lather is created. If the lather is dry - add a few more drops of water until you reach your desired texture.
Coming soon? Talk to us about seasonal developments/future releases/exciting things for our shaving community to look forward to…
We have been releasing limited editions in the new vegan base but the next new addition to the permanent line up is going to be in the vegan base. That will be The Traditionalist. It is an amazing sandalwood blend developed by Shawn Maher. We are also continuing our collabs with Rirana perfume and will be doing their Blackwood scent for the Holiday special.
We would like to thank Heather at Zingari Man for taking the time out of her busy day to spend some time with us agents undercover for our blog. Your shaving brush collection is impressive!
A range of Zingari Man shaving soaps and recovery aftershave splashes are now available at Agent Shave in the UK and we look forward to adding to the range as they become UK cosmetic certified.